
Suppression of creativity and innovation

Other Names:
Patterns curtail creativity

Creativity is awareness and skill in action. While the suppression of creativity and innovation is an organizational, institutional (for example, school) and bureaucratic major objective, it also exists in the form of the rejection by countries of things that threaten their traditional culture from outside. Creative and productively innovative ideas, objects, processes and the like, are termed too Western, too European or too American. Proposed change always challenges feelings of security, therefore one finds the older generations suppressing the challenge of the younger. Similarly the old ideologies expressed in the religious beliefs of humanity create resistance to newer ideas. In addition, authoritarian people feel their security challenged. Innovation is a threat. In one doctrinaire socialist country, some creative people were branded 'dangerous innovators'.

Reduced By:
Unhealthy anxiety
Design Patterns??
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
14.11.2017 – 18:04 CET