
Class conflict

Other Names:
Class war
Class exploitation
Dependence on class domination
Creation of a dominant class
Class domination

The interests of the owners (private capital or the State) of the means of production, and its operators (labour, employees, etc.) coincide as far as their viability depends on mutual dependence, but they differ as far as expectations of share in reward (or return on capital), and of benefits for risk and effort contributed. The primary phase of ownership which includes labour (as slaves or indentured servants) still persists, if only in the attitude that human beings can be hired or fired, replaced by machines and otherwise disposed of as a commodity, or cheated or denied political rights. Thus, extreme points-of-view taken by capital or ownership and its management representations evoke their counterparts, who wish to abolish the capital-labour dichotomy at the expense of capital, business for profit, and the free-market system, or state-controlled systems who wish to return to private-enterprise ways. The class conflict is evidenced by characteristics far beyond the simplistic concepts of nineteenth century thinkers.

Broader Problems:
Social conflict
Narrower Problems:
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
Problem Type:
C: Cross-sectoral problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST