Unplanned use of community space Undeveloped community space Deserted public spaces Undeveloped recreation space Untapped park potential Unused recreation spaces Underutilized public space Unprofitable public land use practices Uncontrolled public land use Undetermined public spaces
Despite the necessity for aesthetic and functional design of public areas in order to communicate an image of the community to both residents and visitors, and to demonstrate its unity, many small communities have no overall plan for future land use and zoning. Local ordinances tend to be inadequate for environmental concerns (such as removal of abandoned automobiles), many narrow, shabby alleys and back streets abound with deteriorated outbuildings and lack functional drainage; absentee landlords result in inadequate maintenance of houses. Land cleared from a forest is rapidly overgrown unless it is maintained. Community boundaries sometimes are not clearly defined, so rambling development and a 'squatters' rights' style for homesteading create a sense of random and chaotic space. Many villages have no designated garbage or sewage disposal sites so that individual families tend to dispose of their waste 'in the brush' or somewhere near their home rather than a whole village deciding on a proper location.