Patterns & Metaphors

Symbolic structures

Other Names:
A number of large artifacts are constructed as symbols. Some are earthworks, some stone. They include cairns and cromlechs, ashlars and altars, menhirs, markers and memorials (in the forms of plain and adorned tombstones or slabs of symbolic geometric shapes, or of sculpture, or of incised stone testimonials, or of a combination of these). This class includes monuments of every kind: pyramids, arches, etc; and megalith constructions.
Some of the symbols in this class refer to death. Others signify victory. Large, upright stones with no distinctive feature other than their isolation and massiveness correspond to an archetype in the deep subconscious which is sometimes named, Mystery or Mysterium. Another archetype is represented by the maze and labyrinth which symbolizes difficulty, obstacles and uncertainty. Notable stone symbols include the black stone of the Kazba at Mecca, the Omphaos at Delphi, Egyptian obelisks, Jerusalem's Wailing Wall, France's Arc de Triomphe, Constantine's Arch, Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, the Kremlin wall, Lenin's tomb, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, etc.<