Patterns & Metaphors

Cyclic migration

The seasonal cycle creates and withdraws opportunities at geographically separated locations. Both animals and humans respond to these changes by moving physically from one place to the other, only to return as the cycle continues. In the case of animals, especially birds, this may involve movement in search of basic needs such as water, food or warmth, water or grazing for herd animals, as in the case of nomads. Within the monetary economy it may be determined by the opportunities of seasonal employment, harvesting, sea resorts, ski resorts Another kind of migration may occur in response to the social or cultural season (eg jet set migration).
Social groups could change their pattern of behaviour in response to cyclic processes in society, especially economic cycles.
[Features] Sensitivity to cyclic phenomena, their dangers and their opportunities. Displacement.
[Contrast] Seasonal movement is used to a limited extent by inter-governmental assemblies (e.g. ECOSOC meetings alternately in New York and Geneva; EEC meetings). There is no built in adaptation by social groups to economic or other cycles, except possibly in the form of religious pilgrimages (e.g. Mecca). Series of infrequent periodic, international meetings in response to particular needs may perhaps be considered in this light (e.g. UNCTAD conferences).
[Keys] Concept of a recognizable cycle and the nature of a cyclic opportunity. Kinds of 'displacement' or adaptation that are possible or useful.<