integrative concepts


A photographic record of an interference pattern between reflected light waves from an object and a second wave of interfering light. Coherent light (light in which all frequencies are in phase - as in a laser) is made to fall on a photographic plate. The same light source is also used to illuminate the subject. The reflected light from the subject which falls on the photographic plate will have travelled different distances depending on the shape of the subject; it thus arrives with its phasing disturbed in direct proportion to the shape of the subject. These variations in phasing meet the incident (or "reference") beam at the surface of the plate, setting up complex interference patterns which are faithfully recorded as densities in the emulsion. When a light beam is shone back through the processed emulsion, the recorded densities act like an interference filter and "reconstruct" the original wave front which caused them. The result is the apparent recreation, in space, of the original subject.
It has been suggested that the human brain may record memory in the same way as a hologram, with every point recording all of the image as seen from a particular point. As a result it has been further suggested that the universe may be understood as a hologram with brains functioning as holograms within it.